The Number One Conservative Info Portal - News. Views. Culture.
Top Stories ..
â—¼ VOTES: Mar-a-Lago raid increases Rep voting intention; 83% of Republicans more likely to vote
â—¼ BORDER: Texas Starts Transporting Illegal Immigrants to NY City; NY Mayor unhappy
â—¼ CHINA: Australia Orders Review of TikTok’s Data Collection
Conservative News and Views Sites ..
The Epoch Times - 'Factual, unbiasd, accurate news. Truth and Tradition' (also Europe). (New York, f.2000)​
RealAmericasVoice - 24/7 news & entz reflecting audience values, not conglom-news spin (Denver, f.2005)
OneAmericaNewsNetwk - 'Yr Nation, Your News' (San Diego, F.2013)
​ - 'Independent. American'. News, Finance, Health & World sections (New York, f.1998)
​ - Began as Conserv hub, now over 100 writers and partner organisns (Texas, f.1995)
JustTheNews - Journalsts w. record of public trust. 'Dig Deeper' sectn to verify facts & sources (Wash, f.2020)
PJ Media - Begun by journalists Johnson and Simon to challenge MSM with political commentary by citizen journalists. Now owned by Salem Media Group (f.2004)
Fox News - The premier conservative news outlet in the US, with celebrated presenters such as Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, etc (New Yk, f.1996)
Washington Times - Long-running conserv. daily paper, befor Fox News. Started by Sun Yung Moon, counter-weight to communism (Wash. f.1982)
Washington Examiner - grew out of Washington suburban local papers. Acquired by Philip Anschutz 2005, since become influential conservative source
The National Pulse - Hard hitting investigative news, latest scoops
BannonsWarRoom - News
aggregator page from key actor. Get the key stories before anyone else.
RightSideBroadcastNetwk - News and live Conservative events - feel the buzz
100% Fed Up - 'Two moms who have had enough'. Inspired by the late Andrew Breitbart
ConservativeHub - News and education
​ - Carefully curated links to key stories of the week, plus some exclusive content. New version of 'The Drudge Report'
WorldNetDaily - Latest trending news topics. Founded 1997, Joseph Farah
SkyNewsAustralia - reliably conservative broadcaster giving perspective from Oz
TheScoop - f.2017, online conservtv, fast-growing news company
AmericanLookout -'Americans writing for Americans', Mike LeChance
DailyMail - largest online news site in the world; sometimes conservative; long articles, high fact count
ReactionaryTimes - 'Real News, Accurate & Unspun'
FreedomFirstNetwork - Articles and live shows from a range of presenters
RedEaglePolitics - Detailed video analysis of the latest local electns swings from around the US
TrendingPoliticsTM - Good selection of well-written stories just behind the headlines
NewYorkPost - Tabloid style news and entertainment
RebelNews - reportg frm very woke Toronto, toughest news rebels of all!
EffDrudge - superior Conservative aggregator site, after Drudge went Lib
TrendingPolitics - dynamic site with cutting edge breaking news
ConservativeDailyNews - platform for conservatv news content creators
NTD News - Mission: 'We believe the integrity of our world hinges on the accurate and truthful spread of information.' Founded 2001 by pro-freedom dissidents from CCP
Breitbart US - Powerhouse tabloid- style platform, set in motion 2007 by the late Andrew Breitbart, original crusader against media liberal bias
WesternJournal - 'To nurture, develop and deploy top notch classically educated journalists of integrity'. Quality articles all topics
The Daily Caller - Founded by Tucker Carlson, 2010. Energetic & lively investigative reporting
NewsWars - Dedicated, detailed reporting on real stories ignored by MSM. Sometimes wide of the mark, but often well ahead of other outlets
The Gateway Pundit - Founded 2004, now in top 150 US news sites
​ - The clue is in the name! Hard hitting roster of topical stories
​ - To skeptically
examine and, where necessary, attack the flaccid institution that financial journalism has become
Conservative Magazines:
The Thinking Conservative -
'Difference of opinion leads to inquiry, and inquiry to the truth' - Thomas Jefferson. News, books, culture from a conservative angle
National Review - Founded 1955, broad allegiance among US conserv's
Evie Magazine - Women's magazine which won't submit to Wokeism
The Federalist - Conservative
magazine on politics and culture. Excellent deeper level analysis
The American Conservative - Main Street Conservative politics & culture magazine
The Burkean - Analysis of today's news from perspective of philosopher Edmund Burke 'Father of Conservatism'
​ - Contemporary
cultural commentary blog
AmericanGreatness - 'next generation conservatism'. Trenchant deeper analysis
ANDMagazine - f.2008, Politics, National Security, Foreign Pol., Culture
​ - f.1988 by David Horwitz, ex-Marxist activst, to expose left activst plan to destroy the US Idea
​ - analysis of all topics of the day
BigLeaguePolitics - America's new source for investigative journalism
​ - Twitter story
aggregator from Conserv. perspective
NOQReport - independent news magazine from southern California
The New Criterion - Arts and intellectual review; editd Roger Kimbll
Conservative Think Tanks:
Atlas Network - International think tank network to promote the cause of liberty and small government
Heritage Foundation - One of the most influential US conservative think tanks
The Claremont Institute - 'Recovering the American idea'
Centre for Strategic & International Studies - Global think tank leader
America First Policy Institute - Aims to be more of a 'Do Tank' than a 'Think Tank'
TheConservativeTreehouse - aims at
'premiere assembly of freedom-
loving people'; 'Truth has no Agenda'
Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) - 'low immigratn, pro-immigrant'. Only US think tank sole focus imgrtn policy
American Enterprise Institute (AEI) - most known neo-con economics body
Comments - Have Your Say ...
Funny Side ..
Campaigning Sites ..
â—¾The Precinct Project - take
back the GOP! Become a precinct committeeman here
â—¾ - Quality Made in USA products
â—¾ - highly
active citizens action group
â—¾ -
focussed, national campgn site
â—¾FreedomWorks - 'Best in the businss at grassroots organisn'
movemt for freedm in over 2500 campuses; feeds, shows, actvsm includg 'Professor Watchlist'
â—¾ - Student Conserv watchdog to colleges
â—¾ the push to recall Gov. Newsom, and push back against Calif. Dem. policies
GOP citizens activating recalls in Arizona; 'action equals results'
â—¾TeaPartyPatriots - resources
and training to support effective activists - take action!
fighting back against Left indoctrinatn of American youth
â—¾Convention of States Action -
all-states conservatv volunteer project
- Stewardshp of the environmt using market-based solutions
high-level volunteer traing by ex-Trump staffers - join here
- promotg bible & constitutional values in US politics
Comprehensive official collated reprt on 2020 electn irregularts
Grassroots shining spotlight on broken voting system
â—¾ - Mass of 2020 ballot fraud evidence. Now crowdfunding to maintain an evidence archive Big Tech cannot delete
crucial ongoing Georgia ballot cases here. Garland Favorito
â—¾AuditUSA - Fair electn campgn from Dem Libertarian backgrd
â—¾RightWire Report - Trenchant
analysis and criticism from a conservative perspective, including 2020 election fraud Summary Portal
â—¾ProjectVeritas - Investigative
undercover reporting; front page news stories, suppressed by most media
â—¾Gab - Alternative to Twitter,
using open source to avoid control by Silicon Valley. Also offer Dissenter browser
â—¾ - Campgn
to reduce ILLEGAL immigrn
â—¾FrontlineAmerica - Ben Bergqam exposing the Left at the border
â—¾ highlightg
victims of unregulatd immigratn
Founded by ex-Dem Vernon Jones to educate & inform on economc opportunity, educaiotn
freedom & civic engagement
â—¾Alliance Defending Freedom - lawyers defending Christian values in society
â—¾Education First Alliance - fighting Critical Race Theory & Marxism in classrms
â—¾Fight for Schools - fighting agnst extreme dogma in class
â—¾ - Mike Lindell's great range of products
â—¾ - Follow Pennsylv. Senate developmts w. Doug Mastriano
â—¾ MomsForAmerica - Fighting the indoctrinatn in the classrm
â—¾ Daily Clout - Campaign started by Lib. Naomi Wolf to empower citizens to reclaim democ power
â—¾ - Faith-based fight against Marxism in the US
â—¾Conservtv Partnershp Inst - To train & support Conserv movemt best leaders. F.2017

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Radio / TV ..
Smooth Jazz
Mellow Mix
Culture in the Corner:(Fwd '→' Bck'←' )
Comedy: Just a Minute Radio: "Talk for a minute on a subject, without deviatn, hesitation or repetition..."
Books: PragerU Book Club
In depth book chat with public
figures: Middlemarch, with Heather MacDonald
09.00 Brian Kilmead
12.00 Jimmy Failla
15.00 Guy Benson
WJFM - M-F (ET):
06.00 John Fredericks Show
10.00 Steve Bannon War Rm
12.00 Miranda Khan Am. Voice
13.00 Dave Ramsey
15.00 Sebastian Gorka
16.00 John Fredericks
17.00 Steve Bannon War Rm.
21.00 Mark Levin
22.00 John B Wells
06.30 Bernie & Sid
10.00 Brian Kilmeade
12.00 O'Reilly Update
12.15 Dominic Carter
1.00 Greg Kelly
3.00 Rudi Giuliani
4.00 Lidia Kuranaj
5.00 John Katsimatidis
6.00 Mark Levin
9.00 Bill O'Reilly
06.30 Bernie & Sid
10.00 Brian Kilmeade
12.00 O'Reilly Update
12.15 Dominic Carter
1.00 Greg Kelly
3.00 Rudi Giuliani
4.00 Lidia Kuranaj
5.00 John Katsimatidis
6.00 Mark Levin
9.00 Bill O'Reilly
77WABC - M-F (ET):
06.30 Bernie & Sid
10.00 Brian Kilmeade
12.00 O'Reilly Update
12.15 Dominic Carter
13.00 Greg Kelly
15.00 Rudi Giuliani
16.00 Lidia Kuranaj
17.00 John Katsimatidis
18.00 Mark Levin
21.00 Bill O'Reilly
22:00 Rita Cosby
WGSO - M-F (ET):
07.00 Jeff Crouere Ringside
11.00 Effie Chaisson Real Tk
12.00 Alex Jones
13.00 Big John Mason Show
14.00 Food Show Tom Fitzm.
16.00 Dine & Wine, Tim McNly
18:.00 Somethg to Say, BJ Rst.
19.00 Cindy Clark Good News
20.00 Barbara H. Beat Exchge
21:00 Mark Levin Show
WGSO - M-F (ET):
07.00 Jeff Crouere Ringside
11.00 Effie Chaisson Real Tk
12.00 Alex Jones
13.00 Big John Mason Show
14.00 Food Show Tom Fitzm.
16.00 Dine & Wine, Tim McNly
18:.00 Somethg to Say, BJ Rst.
19.00 Cindy Clark Good News
20.00 Barbara H. Beat Exchge
21:00 Mark Levin Show
Live TV
news &
06:00 Steve Gruber Show
08:00 Steve Cruere Ringside
09:00 Sophie Mann Just News
10:00 Steve Bannon War Rm
12:00 Miranda Khan News On
13:00 Am Voice Live
15:00 Water Cooler
16:00 John Fredericks Beltwy
17:00 Steve Bannon War Rm
18:00 Jenna Ellis Just Truth
19:00 Dr Gina Prime Time
20:00 Studio 6B
21:00 Am Voice Live
American Thought Leaders
The Larry Elder Show
Cross Roads
Truth over News
Facts Matter
California Insider
China in Focus
The Nation Speaks
Life and Times
Kash's Corner
The numbers for the mid terms are fightening for the Democrats .... Mind you, these days it is a matter of which pollsters you trust to actually be interested in the truth...